Supporting and uplifting women in the trades.
We want to create a place for women in Midcoast Maine to comfortably learn new skills, grow in their abilities and connect with each other.
Through hosting both social and formal skill sharing gatherings, we aim to provide our community of women with tools and resources that will help them flourish in their varying industries.
Women are an untapped resource.
While women make up roughly half of the national workforce, they represent only 3.9% of workers in the construction trades, according to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. We want to help change that statistic by lowering barriers to entry and providing mentorship and support to women already working in the trades or interested in learning a trade.
Want to get involved?
We want you on our team, whether you’re interested in attending events to meet and connect with other women in the trades, contributing money to help us grow, or using your network to get the word out about our organization.
Come to the next meeting of the Tradeswomen Collective. →
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